Immunity boosting soup

Nourishing soup

Nourishing soup

This is one of my favourite soups to feed my family because of it's nourishing ingredients like Katsuodashi, Miso, Daikon radish, Bok choy, Enoki mushrooms that are all known for their immunity boosting properties. It has Katsuodashi (bonito stock) as it's base, Katsuo (bonito fish) not only gives the soup it's umami flavour but it is also known for the high amounts of amino acids it contains that are important for the process of cell growth and repair. Katsuo or bonito fish, is dried and fermented and we can buy it in powder form like what I have used in the recipe below or you can choose to make the dashi (stock) from scratch by using Katsuo or bonito fish in it's flaky form.

The Miso is rich in minerals and a great source of vitamins like B, E, K and folic acid. In addition, it's fermented nature gives it the ability to provide the gut with beneficial bacteria that help the immune system to function optimally.

The Daikon radish in this soup is very high in vitamin C, potassium, and phosphorus. It has beneficial enzymes that help in digestion as well as phytonutrients that help fight chronic illnesses. Daikon radish has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and diuretic properties. It is useful to know that raw daikon juice can aid in the healthy functioning of the respiratory system by dissolving mucus and phlegm. So, when you are down with a cold do try having daikon to help relieve your symptoms.

Daikon radish

Daikon radish

Bok choy is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, and beta-carotene. It is a very good source of folate, calcium, and vitamin B6 as well. It is rich in antioxidants as well and hence a great food for enhancing your immunity.

Blanched Baby Bok Choy

Blanched Baby Bok Choy

The Enoki mushrooms further infuse the soup with their immune boosting quality as they are highly nutritious with a number of vital vitamins and minerals especially vitamin Bs and D. These mushrooms are known to facilitate digestion and enhance metabolism.

Enoki mushrooms and green onions

Enoki mushrooms and green onions

While using instant dashi powder is very handy, and the quality has improved over the years, dashi made from scratch with bonito flakes and water has a stronger umami taste. However, the quality of dashi powder with dried ingredients from the sea is robust and it also allows for us to have the soup more frequently if we have this dried powder stored in our pantry.

Serves 4


  1. 2 tbsp Katsuo Dashi powder

  2. 4 cups filtered water

  3. 1 tbsp organic GMO free soy sauce

  4. 1 tbsp mirin

  5. 1 tbsp sesame oil

  6. 3 tbsp white miso

  7. 1 tbsp dried Wakame seaweed

  8. 2 inches ginger

  9. 1/2 cup sliced daikon radish

  10. 2 bunches of enoki mushrooms

  11. 2 spring onions

  12. 1 cup tofu diced

  13. 2 cups baby bok choy

  14. 135 gms udon noodles

  15. Sprinkle some Ichimi Togarashi


  1. Boil water in a saucepan and put in the dashi powder and boil on medium heat for 3-5 mins

  2. Add the soy sauce, sesame seed oil and mirin and let it cook on low fire for 2 mins more

  3. Slice the green onions, ginger and daikon radish finely

  4. Add them to the saucepan and again cover and cook on low fire for another 5 minutes

  5. Add the wakame seaweed and tofu and continue to cook for another 2 minutes

  6. Blanch the baby bok choy separately

  7. Add them to the saucepan

  8. On serving sprinkle some Ichiri Togarashi chilli pepper

  9. It is ready to eat!

Immunity boosting soup

Immunity boosting soup

Quinoa with rainbow vegetables

Poached chicken with avocado and greens